Rocket Your Business for Trade Contractors
The Rocket Your Business for Trade Contractors podcast brings you off-the-cuff conversations from business growth and tech experts to help you grow your trade business. Whether you just started your own business or are a veteran with an expanding team, this show will keep bringing you useful ideas, interviews, tools, and tips each week to help you grow.
Rocket Your Business for Trade Contractors
Project Performance Reviews with Nick Slavik
On this episode of Rocket Your Business, Nick Slavik from Ask A Painter joins us to talk about the types of project and performance reviews that reveal trends and improvement opportunities. Every project review is inevitably impacted by employee performance, and Nick talks about how his company, Nick Slavik Painting and Restoration, schedules project performance AND personell performance reviews. We also talk about the 'above-the-line' and 'below-the-line' method of identifying work attitudes that impact performance and team culture.
Check out Nick's Ask A Painter show!